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What is the AID worker of UNICEF?

 I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. There is no such thing as an "AID worker" in UNICEF. However, there are **aid workers** who work for UNICEF. These workers are responsible for providing humanitarian aid to people in need, especially children, during emergencies such as natural disasters, conflicts, and pandemics ¹. 

UNICEF staff work in some of the world's most challenging environments to reach the most disadvantaged children ¹. They respond to global humanitarian crises that include natural disasters, human-caused crises, health-related emergencies and pandemics, and the negative effects of climate change ¹. On average, UNICEF responds to more than 200 emergencies that affect an estimated 535 million children every year ¹. 

If you are interested in working in an emergency country, there are a range of employment opportunities available. You can find more information about working in humanitarian emergencies on the UNICEF Careers website ¹.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

ソース: Bing との会話 2024/1/14

(1) Working in humanitarian emergencies | UNICEF Careers. https://www.unicef.org/careers/working-humanitarian-emergencies.

(2) Syria: Senior aid worker and UNICEF partner killed while on duty. https://www.unicef.org/mena/press-releases/syria-senior-aid-worker-and-unicef-partner-killed-while-duty.

(3) Six humanitarians killed in ‘obscene’ attacks in one week. https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/11/1077022.

(4) UNICEF job categories | UNICEF Careers. https://www.unicef.org/careers/unicef-job-categories.




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